The Whole Armour of God (2)
Followers of Jesus fight a daily battle of spiritual warfare as the enemy tries to steal, kill, and destroy. Since this truth has been revealed in God’s word, how does the Christian take a stand and fight against the devil and his schemes? How do they obtain victory in spiritual battles rather than continually experience defeat? In this sermon on Ephesians 6:14 titled “The Whole Armour of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones uncovers the only answer to these questions as he digs deep into the true meaning of standing strong in the Lord and putting on the whole armor of God. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains how these two essential factors go hand in hand, equipping the Christian to be victorious over the enemy. He addresses four key points Christians must consider when understanding how to fight spiritual battles. Each of these points sheds light on how Christians are to stand strong in the Lord, and put on the whole armor of God as protection against the enemy. This truth shows that God’s followers have been given the battle plans on how to fight spiritual battles and how to equip themselves with the armor they need to live in victory.