The Torchlighters: Robert Jermain Thomas (2015) | Clip | Nick Alexander | Tristan Beint | Peter Kim
The Torchlighters: Robert Jermain Thomas | Clip 2 | Mihail Somanescu | Robert Fernandez
In war-torn Romania, there is only one way for churches to get the protection of the government: give their support and allegiance to the communists who are in control. Instead, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand chooses to speak up for Christ, thereby placing his own life and the lives of his family in great danger. When Richard’s choice lands him in a communist prison, his faith and witness are tested to the limits. See how this Torchlighter’s amazing story continues to impact the world today. Torchlighters is a series of animated programs for youth ages 8-12, presenting the lives of true-life heroes from Christian history. When kids see what God can do through a “Torchlighter” who is devoted to carrying out His will and purposes, they too may want to carry a torch of faith by serving Him.
Director: Robert Fernandez
Starring: Mihail Somanescu