The Supernatural Realm
When a person rejects God, it is because they often reject anything that cannot be personally experienced. This is the materialism of the secular humanist that rules out all the supernatural realm and spiritual realities. This is the mindset of those who have no place for salvation, spirits, and ultimately, for God. In this sermon “The Supernatural Realm” on Acts:8–14, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones exposes the false belief system of those who rationalize their sin based on evolution and blind causation. They reject the superstitions of religion in favor of science and rationalism. But as Dr. Lloyd-Jones states, science and evolution offer no explanation for the deepest and most important questions in life. God’s Word says that the world does not know God and that it is blinded by sin. The so called “wisdom of the world” is foolishness when compared to the word of God. It is only in God’s word that one can see the truth about themselves and the world. It tells that all are fallen and sinful by nature, and wholly opposed to all the things of God. But most importantly, God tells of what He has done in His Son, Christ Jesus. Jesus died a sinner’s death so that all who believe in His name will be saved. This is the salvation of the world; not evolution, not science, and not humanism, but the Son of God who gave Himself for sinners.