The Scripture of Truth
The question of the age is that of true authority. In this sermon on Ephesians 6:14 titled “The Scripture of Truth,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how people are desperate for any note of authority. But even the Christian church is confused about what is truth. Cults are successful because they speak with an authoritative voice. All the troubles of the church and the world today are due to a departure from the authority of the Bible. The Christian church has often not helped this by putting philosophy in the place of revelation. The Protestant and apostolic church’s position is that the Bible is the word of God, uniquely inspired and inerrant. The Protestant Reformers judged the Roman Church and its traditions by what they found in the Bible. No one can ever arrive on their own at a knowledge of God. They either submit completely to the authority of the Bible or have no authority at all. God’s revelation can be received and attained only as a result of the work of the Holy Spirit upon and in the believer. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asks: “how do we face the future, temptation, the devil, and the uncertainty of life?” It is by having “loins girt about with the truth” of the word of God, as revealed in the Bible.