The Roman Pilgrimage Vol 3, Part 4 (Romans 11:6 - 11:36) - The Destiny of Israel and the Church
The Destiny of Israel and the Church - Derek Prince: We can never fully appreciate our place in God's family until we understand His dealings with Israel. This systematic study of Romans chapters 9 to 11 uncovers a mystery long ignored by the Church.
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Table of Contents:
J. 11:1–10 The remnant produced by the choice of grace
11:1–2a God has always preserved a remnant in Israel whom He
foreknew—Paul is evidence of this
11:2b–4 Even in the apostasy in Elijah’s time, God reserved 7,000 men in
Israel who remained true to Him (see 1 Kings 19:10–18)
11:5–6 Likewise, there is still a remnant of believers among the
Israelites—the product of the choice of God’s grace (not of human
Grace cannot be earned, only received by faith (see Eph. 2:8–9)—
it begins where human ability ends
Heb. 4:16 2 things God always offers: mercy and grace
Gen. 18:19 God does not compel man to do what is right, but through His
foreknowledge He knows what each person will do (see Eph. 1:4–
5, 11)
2 Tim. 2:19 God knows the “elect” (chosen ones)—but we do not
11:7–8 As a judgment on the unbelieving Israelites, God subjected them to
“a spirit of stupor” (predicted in Deut. 29:4; Is. 29:10)—this is one
way God judges the disobedient (see 1 Sam. 16:14; 2 Thess. 2:10–
11:9–10 In 70 A.D. the Jews were gathered in Jerusalem for the Passover
when the Roman army set siege to the city and destroyed it—thus
their “table” became a “trap” (as predicted in Ps. 69:22)
K. 11:11–24 Natural branches vs. wild branches
11:11 Israel have stumbled, but not fallen forever—meanwhile the
kingdom of God has been opened to all other nations (see Matt.
10:5–7; 28:19–20)—Gentile Christians should live in such a way
as to make Jews jealous
Matt. 21:43 By rejecting the King, Israel forfeited the kingdom
The decisive issue is fruit
Acts 1:6–8 The kingdom will not be restored to Israel until it has been
proclaimed to all other nations (see Matt. 24:14)
11:12–15 Blessings came to the Gentiles through Israel’s transgression, but
much greater blessings will come through their restoration: life for
a Gentile civilization that has committed suicide
11:16 Israel are sanctified by their origin in God’s purpose
11:17 Gentile Christians are “wild” branches grafted into Israel’s
“cultivated” olive tree—contrary to all normal grafting processes
11:18 Therefore strongly warned against arrogance toward Israel
11:19–21 Unbelief caused the Jewish “branches” to be broken off and will do
the same for Gentile “branches”
11:22 God’s kindness and severity are opposite sides of the same coin
11:23–24 It is a simpler process to graft the “natural” branches in again
L. 11:25–32 God will again extend mercy to Israel
11:25–27 A secret of God now revealed: when all the predestined Gentiles
have come in, all Israel will be saved (see Is. 59:20–21)—“all
Israel” will be the chosen remnant predicted in Is. 10:22–23 (see
Rom. 9:27–28)—compare Is. 45:25
Ps. 102:13–16 An “appointed time” in God’s calendar for “compassion on
Zion” (compare Is. 62:6–7)
11:28–29 Israel’s rejection of the gospel has not changed God’s love for
them, or His gifts and calling to them
11:30–32 God first convicts both Jews and Gentiles of disobedience, then
offers mercy to them both—in a predetermined order
M. 11:33–36 God’s unfathomable wisdom calls forth our worship
11:33–35 We can never fully explore the outworking of God’s sovereign
purposes (see Is. 40:13–14; Job 41:11)
1 Cor. 2:15–16 But the Holy Spirit reveals to believers as much as we need to
11:36 God is the beginning and end of all things (Rev. 21:6)
Eph. 1:11 Our lives are part of His eternal plan
Phil. 1:6 What God begins, He will complete
Our response should be worship (compare 16:25–27)
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