The Only Way to God
In Jesus’s encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, the outworking of God’s great plan of salvation is seen. In this sermon on John 4:27–28 titled “The Only Way to God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones unfolds the words of Jesus Christ who boldly proclaims to the woman that He is the living water and the source of eternal life. He says that this is the Father’s mission and the very reason He came into the world. Jesus brought redemption to the whole world by the atoning work of the cross. It is this truth that is at the heart of true Christianity; the Son of God dying upon the cross for sinners. It is only because of this great and glorious work that anyone can approach God as children and heirs. It is only through partaking of Christ, the bread of life, that anyone can come to have true knowledge of God. To reject that Christ came as the Son of God and his deity is to reject the gospel. For only by the redemptive work of Christ on the cross is anyone saved. According to Dr. Lloyd-Jones, one cannot ever forget that Christ willingly went to the cross in their stead because He knew it was the will of God his Father, and this desire to fulfill the will of God marked not only His death, but His whole life as the perfect Son of God.