The Only Hope
In this sermon on Romans 11:33–36 titled “The Only Hope,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones talks about something that no amount of words can adequately explain. God’s ways are so immense that they cannot be traced out. There is a great divide of Christianity; not in regard to particular details, but rather “our whole approach to the gospel.” Is the Christian called to proclamation or to dialogue? When one looks at the apostolic method and message, do the apostles start with modern humanity to make their declarations for the gospel? People must be born again of water and spirit to enter the kingdom of God. The natural person constantly misunderstands the whole of God’s way. God is absolute, infinite, and holy in every respect. The listener is encouraged to look of humanity’s limited nature in a way that may have never been considered. The gospel is hid to those who are lost and in their natural state; all humans are sinners and ignorant of who God truly is. Look upon the grace of God and stand in awe. His ways are far beyond finding out, but it is here that one gains assurance for salvation.