The Middle East Report - Jew Hatred in Britain and Ireland 2022
In this week’s edition of The Middle East Report, Simon Barrett interviews famous Israeli author and investigative journalist Tuvia Tenenbom, on his new book Taming of the Jew.
Tuvia has been described as the Israeli version of Michael Moore or Borat as he presents himself to public and officials as a German journalist. This allows him to engage in conversations about Israel and the Jewish people with ordinary people and how some of them share their awful anti-Semitic views.
The Taming of the Jew is about his seven months visit to Britain and the Republic of Ireland to engage in the attitudes of the British and Irish on Israel and the Jewish people. He does he research for his book in 2019 when Theresa May was the British Prime Minister, and the main political issue was Brexit. This was the time when Jeremy Corbyn was leader of the Labour Party, and his leadership was plagued scandals regarding to Jew Hatred within the party. Corbyn made his no attempt to hide his hatred for Israel.
What Tuvia discovers is shocking and shameful as some local councils in Ireland, Scotland and England wave the Palestinian flag over their buildings in solidarity of the Palestinians.
To know the extend of Jew Hatred in Britain and Ireland then this programme is a must watch.