The King of Blis - John Rutter, Cambridge Singers
'The King of Blis' - John Rutter
From the album ‘A Song in Season’
Composer John Rutter
Conductor John Rutter
Choir The Cambridge Singers
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'The King of Blis' was written for the choir of Clare College, Cambridge in Tim Brown's final Christmas season as Director of Music. John turned to the great treasury of medieval English carol texts and the influence of medieval music can be felt in its sometimes stark, open harmonies and irregular rhythms.
Gloria in altissimis,
For nowe is borne the King of Blis.
When Criste was borne, an angell bright
To shepherdes keeping shepe that nyght
Came and seyde with heav’nly light,
‘Now Crist is borne, the King of Blis.’
They dred gretely of that same light
That shone so bright that tyme of nygyt
Through the vertu, the grace, and myght
Of Goddes Son, the King of Blis.
The angell seyde, ‘Drede ye nothing;
Beholde, to you grete joye I bringe,
And unto alle that be lyving,
For now is born the King of Blis.’
‘Go to Bethlem, and there ye shall
With Marie mylde in an oxe stall
Fynde an infante that men shall call
The Son of God and King of Blis.’
They went forth to Bethlehem that stounde,
And, as he tolde, a childe they founde
In an ox stall in ragges wounde,
The Son of God and King of Blis.
The shepherdes they went home ageyn,
Magnifying God, in certayne,
In alle that they had heard and seyn
Of Goddes Sonne, the King of Blis.
On Twelfth Daye came kinges three
With golde, incense, and myrrh so free,
Unto Bethlem to seek and see
The Sonne of God and King of Blis.
Gloria . . .
James Ryman (15th century)
The album, 'A Song in Season', gathers together twelve of John Rutter's more recent sacred choral pieces, most of them inspired by times, seasons, occasions, places, texts, and by the people and choirs who invited him to write them.
John Rutter, English composer and conductor, is associated with choral music throughout the world. His recordings with the Cambridge Singers (the professional chamber choir he set up in 1983) have reached a wide global audience, many of them featuring his own music in definitive versions. Among John’s best-known choral works are Gloria, Requiem, Magnificat, Mass of the Children, and Visions, together with many church anthems, choral songs and Christmas carols.