The Incomprehensible Wonder of the Gospel | Ep. 9 - Looking Unto Jesus | Paul Washer
Edward Payson (The Complete Works of Edward Payson, Vol.3, p.42-43) - “That the gospel contains a grand display of the moral excellencies and perfections of Jehovah, will be denied by none, but the spiritually blind, who are ignorant of its nature. But to give only a general view of this grand display of God’s character in a single discourse, or even in a volume, is impossible. With less difficulty might we enclose the sun in a lantern. We shall not, therefore, attempt to describe a subject, which must forever be degraded, not only by the descriptions, but by the conceptions, I will not say of men, but of the highest archangel before the throne. On no page less ample than that of the eternal, all-infolding mind, which devised the gospel plan of salvation, can its glories be displayed, nor by any inferior mind can they be fully comprehended. ”
Paul Washer is founder of the HeartCry Missionary Society. Visit for more information, updates, and resources!
HeartCry is a missionary society with one great and overriding passion: that God's Name be Great among the Nations (Malachi 1:11) and that the Lamb receive the full reward for His suffering (Revelation 7:9-10).
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