The Father I Never Knew | Trailer | Carlos Colon | Bob Moeller | Louis Dooley | Leslie Williams
The Father I Never Knew | Trailer | Carlos Colon | Bob Moeller | Louis Dooley | Leslie Williams Five inner city guys share their personal stories of what happened to each of them as a result of not having a father in their lives. Go on a journey with five men growing up in the inner city, as their stories unfold of how life without a positive fatherly influence led them down a road of desperation. They searched for love, guidance, and acceptance, but instead found themselves getting involved in gangs, drugs, and gun violence, ending up in a very dark place where they discovered The Father They Never Knew! Director: Don Albert Starring: Carlos Colon, Bob Moeller, Louis Dooley, Leslie Williams, Eddie Wells, Carl Montgomery, Manny Mill, Pastor David Marcos