The Dust Of Men - What The Morning Shows
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✞ Photography by Todd Quackenbush:
✞ Lyrics:
Oh, this house been laid low
Every window been cracked, and I’ve tried
But I just can’t keep out the cold
Oh, this soul been laid low
All of these changes that I can’t afford
That I can’t ignore
It’s not over now
Lift your eyes to the dawn
Oh, it’s comin’ on
A light has come
To this house that crumbled to the ground
And the morning shows
There’s still hope
Sweet consolation
Bringin’ that comfort to my soul
Let this heart be unbroken in ways
That I’ve never known, oh, but now I can know
It’s not over now
Lift your eyes to the dawn
It’s comin’ on
Oh, a light has come
To this house that crumbled to the ground
And the morning shows
There’s still hope
All of these bones, so tired and worn
All of my memories are burned out and torn
But that light kept comin’ on
And all of my memories are of beauty now
The beauty of light, pourin’ into every room of this house
Shinin’ all that darkness out
Oh, a light has come
To this house that crumbled to the ground
And the morning shows
Oh, it shows
A light has come
To this house that crumbled to the ground
And the morning shows
There’s still hope
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