The Clever King of Corinth & Hades | Ancient Greek Myth for Kids | Animated Mythological Stories
Based on a story by Lin and Don Donn -, used with permission.
The Clever King of Corinth & Hades | Ancient Greek Myth for Kids | Animated Mythological Stories
Greek Tales for Kids is a collection of timeless stories. Each story from this series is carefully chosen to make reading interesting for both parents and kids alike.
Some stories have a moral lesson to be learned at the end, and some are just for fun. With colorful illustrations and a simple storyline, ‘Greek Tales for Kids’ is sure to entertain your young ones.
The series covers most of the renowned characters like Hercules, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hermes, Cronos and many others. Read this book today!
The King of Corinth, Sisyphus, was a kind ruler who was loved by all his subjects. He was considered very clever too. Watch this video where he fools the Zeus and Hades, and he managed to keep this a secret as well.
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