The Character of God
What separates humanity from God? In this sermon on Isaiah 40:25–28 titled “The Character of God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones responds that the answer is God’s holiness. Because all of humanity is sinful and fallen, they are alienated from God. Sinners cannot approach God or stand before Him because they are unclean and unholy. How then can anyone come before God? The answer is found not in what humanity can do, but in what God does. For God is both the just and the justifier in the salvation of humanity by sending His Son into the world to die in the place of sinners. Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, was born of a virgin and died in the place of sinners, bearing their sins upon Himself. All who believe in Christ receive the great benefits of salvation and are made right before God. How can anyone stand before a holy God? The answer is that they stand before God by standing in the righteousness of Christ Jesus and are found by God to be in Christ. The great truth of the gospel is that although people are sinful and vile, God makes them clean by sending His Son to die in their place on order that they might have life everlasting.