The Best Day Ever — Easter Sunday — Rich Wilkerson Jr.
Easter is a celebration of the best day in human history. Yet the greatest day in history hinges on a moment of darkness where Jesus paid the ultimate penalty for our sins once and for all.
This Easter Sunday pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. explains the life giving power of the death and resurrection of Jesus in a talk title “The Best Day Ever”.
Our sins condemned us, but the resurrection of Christ defines us if we choose him today. Redemption is offered for a debt that none of us could ever repay. The day God tore veil, he gave freedom and access for you and me, to step into light by believing in his son Jesus Christ.
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Section Titles:
0:00 - The Best Day Ever (Mark 15.3-39)
2:56 - The Best Days Are Born Out Of The Worst Days
7:43 - The Worst Day Ever (Mark 15.33) (Romans 6.23)
13:20 - Forsaken So We Could Be Forgiven (Mark 15.34)
17:27 - The Veil Was Torn (Mark 15.37-38)
20:41 - The Centurion (Mark 15.39)
25:56 - It Is Finished, He’s Not Finished
28:34 - There’s No Sin Too Big For God’s Grace
32:53 - Propitiation (2 Corinthians 5.21)
36:47 - Double Jeopardy (Romans 8.31-39)
39:46 - Jesus Forsaken So We Could Be Forgiven
43:24 - The Best Day Ever (Mark 16.1-7)