Texas Heartbeat Bill Is Now in Effect: Here Are the Facts | Ep 481
We start off with some good news: A heartbeat bill takes effect today, which empowers citizens to sue doctors who perform abortions after around six weeks. Naturally, this has the Left up in arms. Hilariously, they think that this bill makes the GOP comparable to the Taliban. We discuss the slippery morality that allows progressives to be pro-abortion, then we transition into discussing the latest data on vaccines, mask-wearing, and why vaccine passports are tyrannical and help no one.
00:00 - 27:03 | Texas Heartbeat Bill & Debunking the Pro-Abortion View
27:03 - 33:13 | Unhinged Leftists Compare Pro-Lifers to the Taliban
33:13 - 53:11 | The Shaky Science of Mask & Vaccine Mandates
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Past Episodes Mentioned:
Ep 480: Better Than 'Be the Bridge:' Biblical Unity | Guest: Monique Duson https://apple.co/3BvEh9l
Ep 473: Carrie Underwood Gets It: Masks Don't Belong in Schools (with Data) https://apple.co/3zAMoRy
Show Links:
Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB-8): "Relating to Abortion, Including Abortions After Detection of an Unborn Child's Heartbeat; Authorizing a Private Civil Right of Action" https://bit.ly/2WCAisZ
AllieBethStuckey.com: "Why Kids (And You) Shouldn't Be Forced to Mask:" https://bit.ly/37XCkG1
New York Intelligencer: "The Science of Masking Kids at School Remains Uncertain" (Aug 20, 2021) https://nym.ag/3sHQep2
New York Post: "Study Finds N95 Masks More Effective Than Surgical, Cloth Coverings Against COVID-19" (Aug 22, 2021) https://bit.ly/2Y8U7Z0
► Buy Allie's book, "You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love": https://alliebethstuckey.com/book
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Texas Heartbeat Bill Is Now in Effect: Here Are the Facts | Ep 481