Te Deum - John Rutter, The Cambridge Singers, City of London Sinfonia
8. 'Te Deum' - from the album ‘O Praise the Lord of Heaven’
Composer John Rutter
Conductor John Rutter
Choir The Cambridge Singers
Orchestra City of London Sinfonia
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We praise thee, O God: we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee: the
Father everlasting. To thee all Angels cry aloud: the Heavens, and all the Powers therein. To thee
Cherubin, and Seraphin continually do cry, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth; heaven and
earth are full of the majesty of thy glory. The glorious company of the Apostles praise thee. The
goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise thee. The noble army of Martyrs praise thee. The
holy Church throughout all the world doth acknowledge thee, the Father of an infinite majesty.
Thine honourable, true, and only Son; also the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. Thou art the King
of Glory, O Christ. Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father. When thou tookest upon thee to
deliver man, thou didst not abhor the Virgin’s womb. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness
of death, thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of
God: in the glory of the Father. We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge. We therefore pray
thee, help thy servants: whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood. Make them to be
numbered with thy Saints: in glory everlasting. O Lord, save thy people, and bless thine heritage.
Govern them, and lift them up for ever. Day by day we magnify thee; and we worship thy Name,
ever world without end. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin. O Lord, have mercy
upon us: have mercy upon us. O Lord, let thy mercy lighten upon us, as our trust is in thee. O Lord,
in thee have I trusted: let me never be confounded.
Music: John Rutter
Words: from the Book of Common Prayer (1662)
O Praise the Lord of Heaven
The music on this album, was written by John Rutter for a variety of choirs and occasions, over a period of many years.
From ceremonial and uplifting to quiet and reflective, this album features 14 classic tracks from Collegium Records, plus two previously unreleased tracks.
John Rutter, English composer and conductor, is associated with choral music throughout the world. His recordings with the Cambridge Singers (the professional chamber choir he set up in 1983) have reached a wide global audience, many of them featuring his own music in definitive versions. Among John’s best-known choral works are Gloria, Requiem, Magnificat, Mass of the Children, and Visions, together with many church anthems, choral songs and Christmas carols.