Taking Responsibility for Your Life Group Bible Study by Andy Stanley
The DVD and Guide are available at:
ChristianBook.com - http://zndr.vn/z5RWmh
Amazon.com - http://zndr.vn/wZTHU1
BN.com - http://zndr.vn/zGhSsZ
Taking Responsibility for Your Life Group Bible Study by Andy Stanley.
In Taking Responsibility for Your Life, Andy Stanley explores what it means to be taking responsibility for your life instead of pointing the fingers at others.
RESPONSIBILITIES. We all have them. But we don't all take them as seriously as we ought to.
Wouldn't it be great, though, if we all took responsibility for the things we are responsible for? It's time to stop the finger-pointing and excuse-making and to remove the "ir" in "irresponsible." In this four-session, video-based study, Andy Stanley shows you how to take authentic responsibility for the things in your life.
In addition to the small group sessions, the DVD is enhanced with four full-length messages from Andy Stanley and includes downloadable promotional materials.
- Four full-length messages from Andy Stanley
- Downloadable promotional material
- Leader's Guide pdf
Session Titles:
1. "Let the Blames Begin" (Genesis 3:12-130)
2. "The Disproportionate Life" (Galatians 6:3-9)
3. "This is No Time to Pray" (Joshua 7:2-13)
4. "Embracing Your Response Ability" (Matthew 25:14-30)
This study is designed for use with the Taking Responsibility for Your Life Participant's Guide.
Andy Stanley is the founder of North Point Ministries, Inc. (NPM). Each Sunday, more than 33,000 people attend one of NPM's seven Atlanta-area churches. In addition, NPM has planted over 25 churches outside the metro Atlanta area with a combined weekly attendance of more than 15,000. Over one million of Andy's messages are accessed from our North Point websites monthly, including both leadership and sermon content. To learn more and to access our free online resources, visit us at www.northpointministries.org