Supreme Court to Hear Case Involving Christian Foster Care Agency
On Monday the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case involving Philadelphia’s Catholic Social Services, a faith-based foster care agency.
The USA Today made its position clear with this headline: "Supreme Court to decide if foster care agencies can snub gay, lesbian couples due to religious objections."
Here's what the story is really about: In 2018, in the midst of a severe shortage of foster care families, Philadelphia stopped CSS from placing children with families because they refused to “endorse and certify same-sex relationships.”
In other words, the Catholic Social Services were Catholic.
The USA Today headline reveals the struggle to preserve religious freedom today. Namely, does the First Amendment protect our right to not only hold, but live, our deeply held beliefs, or will our religious freedoms be curtailed by forced approval of, and participation in, the New Sexual Orthodoxies.
That's what the Supreme Court will decide later this year. The ramifications are huge, so please pray.