Sunday 9/30/12, The Mission: Showing, "Give What You Have!" (Acts 3-4:4) Pastor Bill Ritchie
When we read our Bible, it's easy to feel like being a Christian was a lot more exciting back in the day. The early Christians got to see miracles happen, and we hardly, if ever, experience the kinds of stuff we read about in the book of Acts. Is it this day and age, or is it the way we choose to live our life?
Many of us are missing the amazing things God wants to do through us. Could those miracles be much closer than you think? The deeper we get into our "Showing" series, learning about the roots of our faith in Christ, the more exciting it gets. In this message we unpack Acts 3-4:4 and the reality of what happens when we truly give it everything we have in our faith life. You won't believe the different it will make.