Strength for the Weary | Sam Lopez | Hillsong Church Online
Enjoy an incredible service with praise and worship led by Isaac Fisher, Alex Pappas, & Rachel helms with songs, Only Wanna Sing, Heart of God and Mighty to Save and be encouraged by Hillsong LA’s Campus Pastor, Sam Lopez as he delivers a powerful word titled “Strength for the Weary”.
In this message, Pastor Sam encourages us not to despise the season we’re in because it’s training ground and he teaches us how to process weariness and discouragement and ultimately overcome exhaustion.
0:00 - 🎵"Only Wanna Sing" by @Hillsong Young & Free 🎵
3:16 - 🎵"Heart of God" by @Hillsong Young & Free 🎵
10:00 - 🎵"Mighty to Save" by @Hillsong Worship 🎵
14:31 - Welcome
16:26 - Communion
18:07 - 🎵 "Holy Holy Holy (Hymn)" by @Hillsong UNITED 🎵
29:25 - Message from Sam Lopez - Strength for the Weary
58:36 - Do you know Jesus?
1:02:15 - 🎵"World Outside Your Window" by @Hillsong Young & Free 🎵
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Some content recorded prior to government health orders.
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