Strangers and Pilgrims (2)
What is the relationship between thoughts and actions? In this sermon on Christians and how they are to live in the world, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones presents a reminder that doctrine and practice are always tied — doctrine especially plays a large influence over the other. What can one deduce from the doctrines that Paul has been presenting in this passage? First, Christians are children of the day. This is how they are to live in the world today— they are to remember where they were, but only by calling to remembrance where Christ has currently brought them. A major purpose of redemption was to deliver the Christian from slavery to sin. Thus, they are doing a great dishonor to the cross of Christ if they are still living in the sinful ways that characterized them before they were saved by Christ. Preaching from Romans 13:11–14 in a sermon titled “Strangers and Pilgrims (2),” Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the listener that if they start to compromise on their actions, they will also compromise their beliefs so that they line up with what they want to do. He warns that instead of getting as close to the line as possible, flee sin at all costs. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones helps one think through what it means to be a Christian in today’s world and how they can navigate it well.