Stories of Victory: Precious Lady Received Strength To Step Out Of An Adulterous Relationship
Friend, I would like to share with you a testimony of a powerful life transformation from a sister who was caught in a vicious cycle of sin, guilt, and condemnation.
Despite years of self-effort, it was only through the confession of her righteousness in Christ that she was finally able to break the cycle of sin, and be set free from a constant state of guilt and condemnation.
Today, because of the finished work of Christ, we hold fast the confession of our hope, a confident expectation of good to come because of all that Jesus, our great High Priest, has done for us (Heb. 10:23a, Heb 4:14).
True confession is to align what you are saying with what God says about you today. Keep on confessing that you are the righteousness of God in Christ until you experience it even in your thoughts and emotions, and start seeing victory over your addiction!
This excerpt is from: Inside-Out Transformation (2 May 2021)
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Excerpt Summary:
0:00 Listen To Pastor Prince Share A Powerful Testimony
2:22 Your Addiction Is Not The End Of Your Story!
4:05 Keep On Confessing Your Righteousness In Christ!
6:21 Subscribe To This Channel For More Weekly Content
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