Staying free of pornography / SATHIYA SAM
Sathiya Sam
Sathiya remembers the first time he was exposed to pornography. He was 11 years old and was in the computer lab of his elementary school. Even though it happened in complete innocence, this moment would eventually lead Sathiya into a battle with pornography addiction. In high school, watching pornography was a regular part of his life. This diminished his capacity for meaningful relationships, healthy self-confidence and a spiritual life. Sathiya describes himself as hopelessly trapped with no escape in sight. He tried to break free several different ways, but each time was on his own strength and willpower. After 15 years of struggling, Sathiya eventually learned the keys to breaking this addiction and discovering true personal freedom. Sathiya shares how he discovered his identity in Christ and also experienced major emotional and mental healing. Sathiya testifies that he has now been clean for over 3 years. With a passion and goal to help others who live with this addiction, Sathiya created a coaching program that helps men overcome pornography addiction and experience freedom in their relationships & identity through a step-by-step process.