Stand Therefore
This great appeal comes to Christian people: “Stand therefore.” In this sermon on Ephesians 6:10–13 titled “Stand Therefore,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains about the power God gives His people to remain faithful. First of all, he says that Christians must not feel disappointed or unhappy because this causes a conflict. Christians should never feel sorry for themselves. The moment they do, they’ve already lost the battle. Secondly, they must recognize the power of what they are up against but not be frightened. Because of the power of God in them, they can resist the devil. Thirdly, they are not to be half-hearted. When they doubt, they are already defeated. Fourthly, do not consider retreat. Thinking or talking too much about personal weaknesses (or those of others) is depressing and an enemy tactic to sap the Christian of strength. Fifthly, always be ready. Spiritually, Christians are to be well balanced and not carried about by every wind of doctrine. Sixthly, realize the privilege of being in this great battle. Consider the captain and leader — Jesus Christ Himself. Lastly, think of the glory that is coming. Paul said, “There is henceforth a crown of righteousness laid up for me [.…] And not to me only, but to all who have loved his appearing."