Spreading the Gospel
What compels Christians to spread the gospel? In this sermon on John 4:28–30 titled “Spreading the Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on what true evangelistic zeal looks like in contrast to the false zeal of cults and other religions. He notes that cults and worldly originations always use mechanical ways of spreading their message, as if by a tape recorder. Why is this? Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains this as a sign that their message lacks any power to really transform people and motivate them to bring it to others. They must rely on lifeless and cookie-cutter means of teaching. This is in stark contrast to what is found in the gospel. He looks at the Samaritan woman whom Jesus meets at the well. Upon hearing the news of who Jesus is and believing in Him, she leaves behind her water jar, and goes into the city to tell everyone about her new faith. This is what true evangelism looks like: it is not the result of calculated methods and plans, but it is an outflow of an inward change. It is the power of the Holy Spirit made manifest in the lives of believers. It is the true knowledge of who God is and what He has done that compels Christians to share the gospel.