Spontaneum Session 11 | Olivia Buckles | Forerunner Music
“At the end of the day, in our secret place, I want Your eyes, I want Your smile.” Olivia Buckles
In the pursuit of God and oneness with Him, feelings of self doubt and self evaluation sometimes can’t be helped. We want to pour out our song at His feet. We want our love to be an offering to Him. But is it enough? Join Olivia in Session XI of Spontaneum, as she sings about being like Mary and the inner processes that go along with it. Am I pleasing in Your eyes? Have I made You proud? All that really matters is if I’ve touched You heart.
“When I lift up my song, You are the only one I long, to listen.”
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Unfiltered, unrehearsed, raw, intimate. These spontaneous worship sessions focus on hearing and capturing God's voice in the moment. With a simple set up and no agenda, each worship leader is free to engage in their devotional worship with God. Every session is one take. Using a single camera, we are able to capture the authentic nature of each experience through film.
Sessions are uploaded to the Forerunner Music Youtube channel every Friday (additional exclusive videos and audio track downloads are available through email sign-up). IHOPKC worship leaders featured include: Jon Thurlow, Laura Hackett Park, Jaye Thomas, Justin Rizzo, Lauren Alexandria & Kendrain Dueck, Olivia Buckles, David Forlu and Chris Tofilon.
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