Seven Steps To Revival, Pt 4 - Grace vs. Law - Derek Prince
Derek Prince Sermons: Grace vs. Law. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. The Lord allows His people to reach a place of utter helplessness and total reliance. But, when our prayer is based on this realization, the Lord's compassion prevails.
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Table of Contents:
I. How Can A Man Be Righteous Before God? – Job’s Question (Job 9:2)
A. God’s answer (Rom. 1:16–17)
1. Righteousness is from God by faith (Phil. 3:8–9)
2. The outworking of this righteousness (Phil. 3:10–11)
B. The alternative: legalism
1. The number one problem of the church
2. Paul’s reaction to legalism (Gal. 1:5–6)
3. Contrast Paul’s reaction to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:4–9)
C. The carnal nature
1. Motivation: “To be like God”—but independent of God (Gen. 3:5)
2. Our carnal nature can never please God (Rom. 8:8)
D. God has ruled out achieving righteousness by rules (Rom. 3:20, 22–28)
The first step: stop working (Rom. 4:1–5)
II. The Only Alternative To Rules
A. Be led by the Spirit—i.e., dependent (Rom. 8:14)
B. Two mutually exclusive alternatives (Rom. 6:14; Gal. 5:18)
C. The Word of God and the Holy Spirit—Piano and Pianist
D. The Holy Spirit will:
1. Direct you to God’s Word
2. Interpret God’s Word (compare 2 Pet. 1:20; 2 Tim. 3:16)
3. Show you how to apply God’s Word
E. The Holy Spirit will never:
1. Lead you to do anything contrary to Scripture
2. Lead you to do anything unholy
F. Map or personal guide?
III. Legalism
A. Two functions of law
1. To define and restrain evil—to set boundaries (Gal. 3:19)
2. To enable people to live together, e.g., traffic laws
But laws cannot make people good
B. Church/denominational rules
1. You should respect and obey rules, but they do not make you righteous
2. Most church rules do not deal with real, basic issues; e.g., Beatitudes in Matthew 5
a. Poor in spirit (v. 3)
b. Meek (v. 5)
c. Hunger and thirst for righteousness (v. 6)
d. Merciful (v. 7)
e. Pure in heart (v. 8)
f. Peacemakers (v. 9)
C. Relying on church rules will
a. Promote self-righteousness and pride (compare Luke 18:10–14)
b. Distract you from the really important issues (Matt. 23:23)
c. Separate you from Christians who follow different rules
IV. Grace: The Alternative
A. Law and grace are mutually exclusive (Rom. 6:14)
B. By grace through faith (Eph. 2:8–10)
1. Faith is a gift from God
2. Not by works—we cannot earn it
C. Faith and works
1. Faith without works is dead (James 2:26)
2. Faith comes first, then works
3. Works are the result of faith
D. The primary work of faith is love (Gal. 5:6)
Faith without love is dead
V. Operation And Effects Of Grace
A. God’s grace with me (1 Cor. 15:10)—a power working with Paul
B. God’s grace is always sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9–10)
C. Only grace can produce the results described in Eph. 1:3–6—our being saved is to
glorify God’s grace
D. God’s grace is rich and inexhaustible (Eph. 1:7)
E. Three supernatural effects of God’s grace (Eph. 2:4–7):
1. Made alive
2. Resurrected
3. Enthroned
No law can ever do these three things
F. We are to be an eternal demonstration of God’s grace to the entire universe (Eph. 3:9–
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