September 11, 2016 - Carter Conlon - The Journey Of A Lifetime!
September 11, 2016 - Carter Conlon - Times Square Church
The Journey Of A Lifetime!
“Now the Lord had said to Abram: ‘Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you’” (Genesis 12:1). That’s where the walk with God begins for all of us. If you’re living in a place that is inferior to what God has called your life to be, He says, get up and get out of that place and you shall be a blessing everywhere you go. In spite of this incredible promise, the descendants of Abraham ended up in another place and in another spiritual condition, which was quite inferior to what they had been promised.
In their time of hardship, Egypt, which represents the world and all the world has to offer; opened its arms wide and said, come to us and we will give you comfort. We will feed you; we will put you in the finest of the land. And they found themselves in a place where that which offered them comfort, now was dominating their very existence. The Bible calls it taskmasters.
Like many of God’s people, you may have settled in a place you know in your heart is far short of what you’re called to be, and you’re doing things that you know you shouldn’t be doing. A little bit of sexual play, what can it hurt? A little snort; a little sniff; a little peek; a little bit of spiritual sleep. And these things that offered you comfort are now your master.
But God in His mercy would not leave His own people in captivity, and neither will He leave you in any kind of captive barrenness when you cry out to Him. “I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows” (Exodus 3:7-9). That was the key. He could have delivered them at any point in those four hundred years. But what did God do? He waited until they cried out.
Likewise, he’ll deliver you, when you want out. He wants to set you free and take you on an incredible journey, not a journey where you’re always running from your former enemies, but a journey with a song, a vision and understanding, that will give you the endurance to go through even the hottest fire, the deepest river, and the lowest valley.