Running Low On Purpose | Pastor Levi Lusko | The Last Supper on the Moon Part 1/7
The Last Supper on the Moon (Part 1/7)
There is nothing more gratifying or satisfying than living life with a sense of purpose. Are you tired of feeling like a life of fulfillment and purpose is impossible to grasp? Like the moon, always there but always out of reach? Learn that the answer is not in finding yourself but in discovering who Jesus is.
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00:00 Welcome to Week 1 of Last Supper on the Moon!
04:27 What we will be going through over the next seven weeks
08:12 John 2.1-11
12:05 Title - Running Low On Purpose
18:30 Point One - Sending a Message
25:00 Point Two - Accepting an Invitation
27:30 Luke 7.34
29:22 Point Three - Solving a Problem
32:45 Psalm 89.37
35:00 John 2.9
35:15 Mark 10.45
36:00 Point Four - Painting a Picture
36:10 John 2.11
37:00 Isaiah 25.6-8
38:19 Matthew 22.2
39:12 John 2.1
39:55 The Saturn 5
40:50 Closing Prayer
#freshlife #thelastsupperonthemoon #levilusko