Rodfei Sholom Synagogue Targeted
Sometime in the early morning hours of Wednesday, August 12th, San Antonio's Congregation Rodfei Sholom was a target of racial and religious hatred through destructive vandalism with anti-Semitic and racist graffiti, which included the Nazi swastika.
Rodfei Sholom is led by Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg, my dear friend of over 34 years. In those many years Rabbi has established a strong relationship with Cornerstone Church and John Hagee Ministries. Rabbi's Godly influence was crucial in the birth and development of the Night to Honor Israel which led to the establishment of Christians United for Israel.
We consider this anti-Semitic attack an assault on both Christians and Jews. This act of hatred is an affront on all people of faith. Anti-Semitism is an abomination and we must unequivocally confront it whenever and wherever it is found.
When I was made aware of this terrible incident I immediately went to Rabbi's synagogue. This video is our joint response to this hateful attack.
-Pastor John Hagee
UPDATE: Yesterday's vandalism at San Antonio's Rodfei Sholom synagogue has been classified as a hate crime. As such, the FBI and Texas Rangers are investigating the case. If you have any information concerning the perpetrators, please contact the FBI's San Antonio field office at 210 225 6741.