Rich Wilkerson, Jr. — VOUS Values: Let's Not Make It Difficult
Have you ever had the desire to do something, but because of your perception of a situation, you felt defeated before you began?
Oftentimes, people desire to connect with a church and have a relationship with God but believe they don’t belong or deserve to have that experience.
In the second week of the collection of talks “VOUS Values”, Pastor Rich Wilkerson, Jr. explores the message of people are our heart through a sermon titled “Let’s Not Make It Difficult.”
We as believers of Christ have to do a better job of spreading the true message of Jesus and show that we are FOR people. None of us are perfect, we all have problems and Jesus is the ultimate answer.
Jesus died for all of our sins so that we could have a relationship with Him. With that as the foundation, we can get planted into a church community, not just on Sunday but all throughout the week and truly walk out our faith walk.