Rich Wilkerson, Jr. — Through The Storm
Do you ever go somewhere and find that you can't wait to tell somewhere where you went? For example, you say something like "I went TO Miami," or "I went TO the mall." The truth of the matter is, when you only mention the destination, you're missing a major part of the story - what it actually took to GET there.
Whenever you go somewhere, you always have to go through something.
In today's sermon from Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr., we learn that whenever God's about to take you to a place, he's gotta take you through some things, even some storms. This rings true in Miami, especially on the heels of Hurricane Irma, a storm that left devastation in much of the southern U.S. and the Caribbean.
God always prepares us for the storms he takes us through, and he's always with us in the midst of them, even if we can't always see him; he always sees us. God uses the storms in our lives to remind us that he's in control, to give us a fresh revelation of his character, and to give us the perfect platform for audacious responses.
No matter where we're going or what storms we're going through, when we faithfully and patiently serve God through every season, we can trust that our miracles are just on the other side of the storm! Keep pushing through!