Rich Wilkerson Jr - Love Lies: Big Little Lies
We’ve heard many songs of falling in love and having a fairy-tale ending. But what if many of those songs, in nod to another hit, have been telling us sweet little lies. The truth is, falling has to do with stumbling that can lead to broken pieces. And to that fairy-tale ending, life proves more complicated with its detours, to find ourselves in the destructive wake of what we once called “love.”
Pastor Rich Wilkerson, Jr. delved into that concept of when falling in love falls apart by kicking off a collection of talks on Love Lies, with a message titled Big Little Lies. He took us on a journey of King David’s family from 2 Samuel 13, specifically with his children Amnon and Tamar and the lie of how Amnon “loved” Tamar but quickly turned to hatred after a horrific act.
The message was a mirror to how we see our relationships. Do we see them as one thing that becomes so familiar that we forget the multi-faceted nature of those individuals and their intended purpose to sharpen us as we give to it?
One of the lies we tell ourselves in relationships is thinking lust is equivalent to love. Lust is using someone as an instrument for our satisfaction. Lust is about taking something while love is about giving something. Love is an intentional decision – to look past convenience to commitment, past feelings to faith. And that is the truth about love.