Religious Liberty and the Hobby Lobby Decision
In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock, Kelly Shackleford and Judge Rollin Van Broekhoven discuss religious liberty, focusing on the recent Hobby Lobby decision.
00:14 Bock introduces Kelly Shackleford and Judge Rollin Van Broekhoven
02:39 Van Broekhoven comments on key legal issues surrounding the Hobby Lobby decision
09:36 What issues did Supreme Court consider in regard to the Hobby Lobby decision?
13:06 What is a ?closely-held business? and how was this relevant to the case?
16:28 Corporations, the Religious Freedoms Restoration Act and the Compelling Interests Test
21:43 Accommodations, the government and religious entities
24:30 Four key issues in the Hobby Lobby cases
27:29 Is access to contraception the ?real issue? for defenders of religious liberty?