Relationship Baggage Unpacked — Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson
Relationships can be complicated, nonetheless they’re part of the joy of our lives.
As we celebrate Valentine's Day, Pastors Rich and DawnCheré Wilkerson share “Relationship Baggage Unpacked,” helping us confront the hang-ups that weigh down our relationships.
Feelings are amazing but they come and go so our relationships can’t be built on them. Pillars of a solid relationship are respect and forgiveness, but boundaries are needed to help cultivate growth.
In our relationships, we’ll never forget that it is Jesus, our firm foundation, who makes each person whole. When we allow him to change us from the inside out, we’ll flourish as individuals and within our relationships too.
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Section Titles:
0:00 - Relationship Baggage Unpacked
1:34 - What Are You Carrying? (Matt 11:28-30)
3:38 - What’s In Your Bags?
5:33 - The Journey Of Relationships With Baggage
8:23 - Does Romance Remove The Baggage?
11:15 - Your Baggage Will Blow Up
14:33 - God Wants To Move You Forward
16:47 - 1) In Order To Assess, You Have To Address
20:55 - God Calls You Out Of The Baggage (1 Samuel 10:21-24)
23:06 - Relationship Differences (1 Peter 4:8) (Galatians 6:1)
25:58 - Evaluation Is How You Grow
27:35 - 2) Lack Of Boundaries Create Lack Of Respect
31:38 - Healthy Relationships Have Healthy Boundaries
34:25 - Set A Boundary For Your Tongue (James 3:5-6)
38:18 - 3) Forgive To Heal, Let Go To Grow (Ephesians 4:31-32)
41:10 - God Wants To Change Us From The Inside Out
42:31 - Get Rid Of Old Baggage
45:46 - Jesus Chooses To Forgive, So Should We
52:08 - Start With Jesus