Reaching Your Highest Level of Influence with Curt Harlow — In John 13, we learn how to be a servant-leader from the greatest servant of all time – Jesus. He teaches us to be a servant first when he moves from his place of honor to wash the disciples’ feet. Join Pastor Curt Harlow as he dives into what it means to serve as Christ served and find out why service is the secret to significance.
Are you ready to serve your community? Consider hosting a small group this fall. Visit
(Bayside Church) (Northern California) (Curt Harlow) (Servant) (Washing Feet) (John 13) (bible) (Bible teaching) (book of John) (bible teaching) (book of John) (Solid Faith) (Jesus) (Jesus Christ) (Service) (Teaching) (Disciples) (feet) (live like Christ lived) (small groups) (host) (hope) (God) (Jesus) (Sacramento) (Sacramento Church) (God is real)