Quigley's Village | Episode 1 | Responsibility | Debra Auger | Robert Auger | Jim Black
"Quigley's Village" is a kids' show which employs both live actors and puppets. Mr. Quigley is the leader of the town, with Trundle, a toucan, living in a cage on Quigley's front porch. Other neighborhood kids include Bubba, a chimp; Danny Lion and his younger sister, Lemon (so named because of her pastel yellow-colored fur); Spike, a girl porcupine who talks with a bit of a Brooklyn accent; Milty, a moose; and Alex, a fox. The humans who work and live in the village besides Mr. Quigley include Dexter, a handyman; Molly, the letter carrier; and Dr. Caramore, the local physician who is always glad to help the kids whenever they're ill. Each episode centered around a particular life lesson.
Director: Jim Maguire
Stars: Debra Auger, Robert Auger, Jim Black