Q&A with Beth Moore: Leading Beyond Criticism
Growing a successful, influential career or ministry is like growing a healthy garden. It requires good soil, intentional work, and years of cultivation. But it also requires a significant amount of pruning. Learning from our mistakes, being vulnerable, taking risks, withstanding criticism—these potentially painful aspects of growth are just as important in becoming a strong leader. Pastor Craig Groeschel sat down with New York Times best-selling author and speaker Beth Moore to talk about her book Chasing Vines and how she’s grown and pruned aspects of her leadership to build a more effective ministry.
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About Craig Groeschel
Craig and his wife Amy live in Edmond, Oklahoma, where they started Life.Church in 1996. A New York Times bestselling author, Craig has spoken to millions of people at events and conferences in countries all over the world. Learn more about Craig: http://www.craiggroeschel.com/about
Connect with Craig Groeschel
Website: http://www.craiggroeschel.com/connect
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