Proverbs - Week 8, Day 2 - The Gospel Truth
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: The book of Proverbs was written for two groups of people—those who know they need wisdom and those who don’t. Whichever category you fall into, the road map to a blessed life is the same: choose wisdom, follow God, and you’ll be blessed. In this in-depth, verse-by-verse teaching, Andrew shares personal insights from the foundational principles, divine guidance, and sound counsel contained in the book of Proverbs.
00:31 Welcome to our Tuesday’s broadcast of the Gospel Truth.
00:57 Most people are putting faith in people that aren't true friends. The scripture right here will teach you what a friend is.
3:25 You don't want strife in your life. It opens up a door to every evil work.
7:15 This is saying that your heart attitude directly affects your body.
11:20 Many Christians have become totally humanistic looking for just physical, natural reasons and sometimes it's not physical. Sometimes it's totally spiritual.
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