Proverbs - Week 13, Day 5 - The Gospel Truth
The book of Proverbs was written for two groups of people—those who know they need wisdom and those who don’t. Whichever category you fall into, the road map to a blessed life is the same: choose wisdom, follow God, and you’ll be blessed. In this in-depth, verse-by-verse teaching, Andrew shares personal insights from the foundational principles, divine guidance, and sound counsel contained in the book of Proverbs. Get ahold of Andrew’s teaching on Proverbs for the timeless wisdom you need to live a life of blessing!
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives. Many even believe you just can't know God's will—that in His sovereignty, He will make it happen regardless of what you do. Too long this viewpoint has kept Christians from knowing the full potential He planned for them. But no more. God created you with a specific purpose, and the good news is, He wants you to find it. This insightful teaching will guide you on your path to find, follow and fulfill God's will in your life.
============================================ Andrew Wommack Ministries ======================================================
00:33 Welcome to our Friday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
05:31 In other words, these are things that should not be.
07:37 The creation declares the glory of God; and it shows his handiwork.
10:21 Regardless of what our disability or what our problem ought to be, if we would use our brains and let God speak to us, God could give us wisdom about how to protect ourself and how to survive and to function.
19:14 The moment you start justifying yourself, condemning somebody else, talking about what they should do, you have just ruined any repentance that you truly had.