Proof Through the Night | Full Movie | Derek Bradley | Adam Downs | Robert Chaves | Roberta Chaves
Proof Through the Night: Francis Scott Key, "The Star-Spangled Banner," and the Hope that Transformed America. "Oh Say, Can You See...?" In the 200 years since Francis Scott Key first wrote those words on the back of a letter they have inspired millions. The hope and joy expressed in the American National Anthem are so moving that more than five million people signed petitions for its official adoption. Yet within those words is an expression of a Christian's faith and gratitude for deliverance.
"Oh Say, Can You See...? In the 200 years since Francis Scott Key first wrote those words on the back of a letter they have inspired millions. The hope and joy expressed in the American National Anthem are so moving that more than five million people signed petitions for its official adoption. Yet within those words is an expression of a Christian's faith and gratitude for deliverance. Told through the words of eyewitnesses and those who knew him best, this hour-long presentation tells the story not only of the song, but of the man and the beliefs that inspired it. Francis Scott Key was a lawyer, a father and a church leader. But he was not a songwriter or a professional poet. Yet, his words captured the sense of hope and optimism that continue to define America. As he wrote: May the heaven rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation
Then conquer we must
When our cause it is just
And this be our motto
In God is our trust. We are responsible for the most sacred of trusts--to our country, to the world, to our God."
Director: Jerry Griffith
Starring: Derek Bradley, Adam Downs, Robert Chaves, Roberta Chaves