Proof: Finding Freedom through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistible Grace
Tired of a watered down gospel?
Like a strong drink, God's grace is intoxicating and dangerous.
PROOF is a call to find freedom through the intoxicating joy of irresistible grace
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Do you agree with PROOF as a description of God's saving love and grace?
PROOF is an acronym that reminds us of five different ways that we can experience God's grace:
• P is for PLANNED GRACE and we begin here because the story of grace begins with God. He has planned out our salvation from beginning to end.
• R is for RESURRECTING GRACE Because God alone brings us from death to life.
• O is for OUTRAGEOUS GRACE Because God's grace doesn't depend on what we've done.
• O is for OVERCOMING GRACE God's grace is not merely his pardon for sin but his power at work in our powerless lives.
• F is for FOREVER GRACE Because God's grace preserves and enables us to persevere to the very end.
The message that God saves us single-handedly is powerful and beautiful! And that's the point of this book.
The message of grace frees every believer to stand before God without fear with PROOF that we are loved and accepted.
But PROOF isn't only about evidence that enables you to stand before the bar of God's justice.
PROOF is about drinking deeply from God's strong grace—so strong it leaves you staggering, slaphappy and singing for joy because of the sheer strength of God's love.
His offer is free.
You can't earn it or deserve it.
Come thirsty and empty-handed.
Drink deeply and dance for joy.
From the fountain of Calvin, Luther, Edwards, Spurgeon, Calvinism movement, Reformed movement, NeoCalvinism, Sojourn, Sojourn Network, Young Restless and Reformed, Edwards, TULIP Reframing, TULIP Revision, The Gospel Coalition, TGC, Justin Taylor, Tullian Tchividjian, R.C.Sproul, Billy Graham, Liberate, John Piper, Desiring God, Joe Thorn, Together For the Gospel, T4G, Louisville, Kentucky, Zombie, Collin Hansen, YYR, Daniel Montgomery, Timothy Paul Jones, RUF, Campus Outreach, Cru, Young Life, Jesus, Gospel, Sojourn Network.
Do you agree with PROOF as a description of God's saving love and grace?