Promised by His Prophets
In what way is the gospel connected with the Old Testament? Is the Old Testament relevant to New Testament believers? In this sermon titled “Promised by His Prophets” on Romans 1:2, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones highlights the role of Old Testament prophets as they proclaimed and prepared God’s people for the Messiah. The gospel is, therefore, only new in one sense. It is new as it is based on events which happened in the New Testament. However, the gospel plan is not new. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains the importance of studying the Old Testament and seeing God’s salvation proclaimed by the prophets. He highlights a number of Old Testament texts which announce the Messiah’s work; when He would come; that He would be a light to the gentiles; and would be despised, afflicted, and die vicariously for the sins of others. These prophets were not politicians but servants of God. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, they wrote and spoke inerrant Scripture. All Scripture is given by God and is profitable and these writings are for the listener’s benefit. Listen and see the depths of God’s redemptive plan as it unfolds in the Old Testament and comes to fruition in Christ.