Progressive "Christians" and New Agers Be Like...
What do you get when a Progressive Christian, a New Ager and a Biblical Christian happen to bump into each other at a coffee shop? Why... another very okay-ish satire video of course! Meet Tammi the Progressive, Yolanda the New Ager, and Emma the Christian.
I broke budget for this filming!!.... approximately $11!
Mediocre satire isn't cheap...
or maybe it is.
Let's all make truth true again! Free the sugar packets!
Other Satire Videos:
Women's Bible Studies these Days:
Another Parody: Sarah the Super Christian Meets Yolanda the New Ager:
Other Resources:
Who Is Jesus? What is the Gospel?:
Wanna know more about Progressive Christianity?:
"Another Gospel" by Alisa Childers:
Alisa Childers Channel:
5 ways Progressive Christianity and New Age are Pretty Much the Same thing:
Bethel and Physics of Heaven:
Wanna Know More About What's Wrong With American Christianity?
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Instagram: @melissadougherty77
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