Prayer for Syria | World Vision
Our colleague Dr. Chawkat Moucarry grew up as a Christian in Syria. Join him in prayer today for his native country, for guidance and understanding of this crisis. Hear his "Prayer for Refugees".
Since the start of the Syria refugee crisis, World Vision has helped more than 2 million children and adults in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and now Serbia. With your help, we’re providing food, clean water, healthcare, and more.
To learn more about the Syrian Refugee Crisis or to donate, click here:
The Syrian conflict’s death toll is staggering: more than 8,500 children, including 2,000 under age 10, the U.N. reports.
“It’s heartbreaking,” says Wynn Flaten, director of World Vision’s Syria Crisis Regional Response, covering northern Syria, the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI), Jordan, and Lebanon. “These children have come from one of the world’s most dangerous places. Children need so much support to be able to recover from that, but the odds are against them. Children need safe shelter, but that is only the beginning. They need special protection. They need to get into schools. Even when they can get in, often the classrooms are overflowing with extra students, or they are bullied to such an extent that they no longer even want to go.
“If the world continues to turn its back on Syria, it is the children who’ll continue to suffer the most,” Wynn says. “More needs to be done to peacefully stop this conflict, and more support needs to be given to host countries and humanitarian actors. We’re going to be dealing with this one for years to come.”
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