Positioned for Promotion | The Heart of a King | Online Weekend Experience
0:00 Start
3:00 Countdown
8:00 Welcome
9:42 Worship
29:01 Message
1:11:08 Outro
1:12:02 Response Question
As people with the heart of a king, we are created to honor and submit to our authority. Submission leads to breakthrough, so let's find some freedom together as we learn what kingdom submission looks like by looking at the life of King David!
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"King of my Heart" by John Mark McMillan and Sarah McMillan | CCLI #7046145 |© Meaux Jeaux Music
"Promises" by Maverick City Music (Aaron Moses, Carrington Gaines, Dante Bowe, Keila Alvarado, and Lemuel Marin) | CCLI #7149439 | © 2020 Heritage Worship Music Publishing
"Nothing Else" by Cody Carnes, Jessie Early, and Hank Bentley | CCLI #7123436 | © Capitol CMG Amplifier
Response Question:
How are you going to respond to what God is speaking to you this week?