Pod for Israel - The Spirit of the Law - The Sabbath
Dr. Broshi dives into the Spirit of the Law, basically how do we approach these commands in the Torah as followers of Yeshua. Is the Sabbath relevant to us today? What was God's heart for us in making these commands and how should we look at these in the light of Yeshua's teachings. This week we dive in to the Sabbath and a biblical perspective of God's heart for this day of rest and how it applies to us today.
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Here are all the references for the podcast:
Yeshua rebuking the religious leaders for miss-understanding the Sabbath (Mathew 12:9-13)
The Sabbath, Exodus 20:8-11.
God hates what has become of the Sabbath, Isaiah 1:13-14.
True Fasting and Sabbath in the eyes of God, Isaiah 58:6-13.
A Gentile which keeps the law of the Torah must die; Misneh Torah, Hilchot Melachim veMilchamot 10:9
Gentile which keeps the Sabbath must die (b. Talmud, Sanhedrin 58b; Mimonides)
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