Pillars of Salt (February 14, 2021)
In today’s service, Pastor Bobby Schuller gives the message “Pillars of Salt". Today, we are blessed with the Gift of Music, "King of My Heart" sung by Joslyn Sarshad and "Just as I Am", sung by Preston D. Parker. The Hour of Power Choir sings “I Need Thee Every Hour".
19:32 - Hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy"
21:26 - Scripture Reading (Genesis 19:23-29)
22:53 - Gift of Music "King of My Heart" by Joslyn Sarshad
26:43 - Interview with Mark Clark
34:22 - Choral Anthem "I Need Thee Every Hour"
43:33 - Gift of Music "Just as I Am" by Preston Parker
49:04 - Message ("Pillars of Salt")
1:19:53 - Hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"