Patient in Tribulation
The Christian should ask themselves if they are “fervent in spirit” and learn to look at their total view of life in this world as Christian people. There is nothing so fatal for the Christian than to misunderstand his or her life in this present world. “The only way a Christian can rejoice is in the life of this hope [Christ].” How are they then to live in this present world? “We must never allow tribulation to do us any harm at all.” In this sermon on Romans 12:12 titled “Patient in Tribulation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones asks, “Is your reaction one of grumbling or of patient endurance in the midst of tribulation?” The Christian ought to expect trouble to come their way. Nothing teaches the believer better than tribulations: weakness, pride, and selfishness is brought out in trials. Dr. Lloyd-Jones teaches that these trials yield the fruit of righteousness. Prayer results from tribulation and one ought to quickly seek this refuge. Christians are in the fight of faith; not against the things of this world, but against the spiritual matters. Do not continue in ignorance and self-confidence that pervades common humanity. Rejoice in knowing that truly nothing can separate the believer from the love of Christ, not even the hardest of trials or tribulation.